Latushka addresses EU leaders after new hunger strikes

Portrait of Ihar Losik. January 2021. Photo: TK / Belsat

The head of the People’s anti-crisis management team Pavel Latushka recently recorded a video appeal to the leaders of the European Union. The reason was the new cases of hunger strikes among Belarusian political prisoners.

“The shortest and most precise definition of what is now happening in the Belarusian jails is torture. People are tortured, broken, forced to incriminate themselves. Such pressure pushes political prisoners to extreme measures. At the moment three of them are on hunger strike – blogger Ihar Losik, civil activist Dzmitry Furmanau and musician Ihar Bantser. Ihar Losik and Ihar Bantser have refused not only food, but also water, which is the most dangerous and painful kind of hunger strike. Losik and another political prisoner, blogger Syarhei Pyatrukhin, have tried to kill themselves by slitting their wrists. We, the free people, can only guess why people decide to do such desperate acts.

Belarusians have long understood that a person’s life means nothing to Lukashenka. But do the lives of the Belarusians mean anything for the world and Europe? Do they hear the moans and cries of our citizens, who are being tormented and tortured right now, being pushed to death?

I call upon the leadership of the European Union for more resolute measures against the Lukashenka’s regime. He is not affected by words, he is not affected by concerns – only tough concrete steps. The lives of Belarusians are just as important as the lives of EU citizens. The terror unleashed by the Belarusian dictator is unacceptable anywhere in the world, especially – in the center of Europe in the 21st century.

As a European, I appeal to Europeans, citizens of greater Europe, who wish freedom for Belarusians: give a clear signal to your politicians to act,” urges Pavel Latushka.

Today is the 11th day of a dry hunger strike of Hrodna musician Ihar Bantser. And on March 11, blogger Ihar Losik gave up food and water after a new charge. This is the most dangerous kind of hunger strike.

Also, on March 11, Dzmitry Furmanau decided to go on hunger strike. He took such a step because of the terrible conditions in Hrodna prison.

The blogger Syarhei Pyatruhin cut his wrists in Mahiliou prison when he was put in the cell with a mentally ill pedophile. Later the prisoner was transferred to another facility. Ihar Losik tried to do the same after the new charges were pressed against him, all in front of the investigator and the lawyer.
