Belarusian HTP eager to prevent IT brain drain

HTP administration has prepared a draft of measures to support IT companies in the light of sanctions against Belarus, reports.

HTP. Solidarity action. Minsk, August 14, 2020. Photo: Svyatlana Far / Belsat

“We have already submitted ideas to the government. People in the government and several power structures have heard our explanations and arguments. Perhaps some of our proposals will become part of the regulations relating to the whole country (not just the HTP),” reads a letter signed by Usevalad Yancheuski.

Among the proposals is the return to the 9% income tax, which was raised to 13% after the 2020 protests.

They have also proposed deferments from the military conscription for the HTP staff, moratoriums on inspections, and changes in legislation on the HTP status, including foreign exchange earnings.

There were also proposals to allow remote work and recruitment in other countries, alternative currencies and cryptocurrencies, and so on.

Another set of proposals concerned individual companies.

In 2020, many companies felt insecure after Lukashenka’s threats to deal with IT workers when the protests subsided and the arrest of four PandaDoc employees. “Eggheads,” as Lukashenka affectionately calls them, were not forgiven for the financial and intellectual support of the protests.

After the attack of Russia on Ukraine with the participation of the regime in Belarus, the tendency of relocation among the IT sector has only accelerated.
