Lithuanian parliament calls increased flow of illegal migration hybrid aggression

On July 13, the Lithuanian Parliament adopted a resolution recognizing the increased illegal migration through Belarus as hybrid aggression, Delfi reports.

Meeting of the Seimas of Lithuania. Photo: Delfi.

The resolution states that organized flows of foreigners from third countries crossing the border illegally are used to destabilize the situation in Lithuania. The document was voted for by 56 members of the Seimas; two parliamentarians were against it, while 24 of them abstained.

The Lithuanian government was offered to involve the army to enhance border protection on the section of the border with Belarus and set up the barrier on the entire perimeter of the border as soon as possible.

It is also proposed to bring to justice the organizers of illegal migration flows, including the Belarusian individuals and entities, so that national sanctions and EU sanctions could be applied to them.

The resolution proposes to treat undocumented illegal migrants (except for women with children, pregnant women, the disabled, and children under 16), until proven otherwise, as likely active participants in a hybrid attack. Therefore, they should be subject to other conditions of detention and residence.

It is also proposed to initiate an information campaign in the countries of origin of irregular migration to deter potential migrants and seek the return of irregular migrants to their countries of origin.

The Seimas also called on European Union member states, the European Commission, and other institutions to show solidarity and provide Lithuania with the necessary assistance in repelling hybrid aggression.

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