Polish border guards record two attempts of illegal mass border crossing by migrants

The Polish Border Guard Service has reported two attempts of illegal border breach near Dubichy and Klukavichy. About 50 people managed to break through into Poland. Polish law enforcers detained 22 people.

Over the last 24 hours, Polish border guards recorded 223 attempts of illegal border crossing.

Meanwhile, on the night of November 14, the Polish police were pelted. The stones came from the Belarusian side, hitting a police officer and damaging a police car. The policeman reportedly had a helmet on his head, which protected him.

The stone marks on the police car. Photo: PolskaPolicja / Twitter
The stone marks on the police car. Photo: PolskaPolicja / Twitter

In addition, Poland sent a text message to migrants warning them not to believe rumors about possible border crossings.

“There are rumors among migrants that buses from Germany will arrive on November 15 to pick them up at the border, and Poland will let them through. This is a lie! Poland will continue to guard the border with Belarus. Those who spread such rumors do so in an attempt to encourage migrants to storm the border, which could lead to a dangerous situation.”

A rumor circulating in telegram chats that Poland would allegedly open the border on November 15 and migrants would be allowed into Germany. This information was picked up by propagandists.

