Opposition politician Latushka says officials are discretely against Lukashenka

Over the six days, an open letter against Lukashenka was signed by 1,090 Belarusian officials, holding public office, Pavel Latushka said in an interview with the Russian “Rain”.

The letter will be part of a large-scale program of democratic forces: “We are talking about the Belarusian liberation “Spring 2021″ – a joint plan of the People’s anti-crisis management and the staff of Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya. This is a scaled up pressure on the authorities with economic instruments, personal sanctions, recognition of Lukashenka’s regime as terrorist in accordance with the decision of international institutions”.

The next thing is the officials’ movement to the side of the people. The officials who were present at the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly… I’m sure most of them were discreetly against the status quo.

Because at this very time, in the six days of our new project, 1,090 Belarusian officials wrote to us about their desire to sign an open letter about Lukashenka’s resignation”.

According to Latushka, the open letter will be published in April, when it is signed by 5 thousand state officials: “Of course, these are risks for the officials. There are a lot of people who are not openly willing to sign this letter. But this is also one of the tools of dialogue with officials – they send their certificates, we verify them,” said Latushka.
