Lukashenka meets with KGB officers to speak about hybrid warfare

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has met with heads of the state security bodies. According to him, they met for “a serious man’s conversation.”

Lukashenka during a meeting with security officials. Photo:

According to Lukashenka, the situation around Belarus is the tip of the iceberg. He said the hybrid war against him continued and accused Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, the United States, and Germany of preparing and financing terrorist attacks.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg. You know the depth and underside of all the means and methods of influence directed at us. Such as instigating a coup d’état, organizing terrorist acts, actions to eliminate the population, an aggressive information war, attempts to destroy the economy”.

Lukashenka also touched upon cyber-attacks against state enterprises and bodies. In his opinion, this is similar to biological weapons and even more powerful.

Separately, Lukashenka mentioned extremism and terrorism, which the country is allegedly filled with now.

“The so-called Peramoha plan, developed by an extremist organization, envisioned organizing a series of terrorist attacks in the country, which would serve as a pretext for a social explosion. Someone abroad made no secret that this could have been a provocation with the deaths of people (this would have been a gift for them), clergy, or other “sacred victims.” Even today, they do not give up these ideas. Fortunately, we have the situation under control”.

Lukashenka believes that sanctions will not be a problem for the country.

“The sanctions will excite the people, and then they will get on that horse. I have to say that nothing will come out of it. You understand that. Soon ordinary citizens will understand it too. We do not make the products that cannot be sold in the markets of, say, Russia and China,” believes Lukashenka.

“Finally, the Russian leadership, and all Russians, have formed a firm understanding that we have to be together, that Russia needs Belarus just as much as we need huge Russia.”
