Justice Ministry pushes for termination of For Freedom movement’s work

The Belarusian Ministry of Justice appealed to the Supreme Court with a request to suspend the activity of the movement For Freedom.

Лі. Photo: Yury Hubarevich / Facebook

The corresponding document was published on Facebook by For Freedom chairman Yury Hubarevich. He was summoned for a conversation in the run-up to a court hearing.

Om July 14, the office of the organisation and the apartment of its deputy chairman Viktar Yanchurevich were searched.

The movement For Freedom was founded on the back of the 2006 presidential election by former presidential candidate Alyaksandr Milinkevich. In 2008, the movement got its official registration. Since 2016, For Freedom is has been headed by Yury Hubarevich.

On Wednesday, Belarusian security forces made an unprecedented attack on the country’s human rights community, NGOs, and political parties. Dozens of raids took place across the country, lots people were detained.

Mass detentions and searches across Belarus: Who became regime’s target on July 14

