Political prisoner Alyaksandr Vasilevich writes fairy tale book for daughter

The co-founder of Kyky.org and the Belarusian edition of The Village wrote nine fairy tales for his daughter. He has been kept in jail for over a year.

ВCover of book Dad and The Penguin by Alyaksandr Vasilevich

On Alyaksandr Vasilevich’s birthday, his wife Nadzeya Zelyankova posted on the web files of the would-be book Dad and The Penguin and provided free access to them.

“Sasha apologizes that the last [tales] are not positive. He says he lacks communication with people who are doing well,” the wife stressed.

The authors of the illustrations for the book are Syarhei Skibinski and Adelya Vasilevich, a daughter of the political prisoner; its designer is Syarhei Pasechnik, photos were made by Daniil Parnyuk.

Page of the book Dad and the Penguin by Alyaksandr Vasilevich.

Alyaksandr Vasilevich owns the advertising agency Vondel/Hepta, the Ў Gallery; he was a co-founder of popular web portals kyky.org and The Village.

In the summer of 2020, the reputed Belarusian businessman was detained twice. In late July, he came to the KGB headquarters in Minsk; Alyaksandr and like-minded persons were about to hand over the appeal mitigating pre-trial restrictions imposed on the imprisoned presidential hopeful Viktar Babaryka, but most of them found themselves in a paddy wagon. Then Vasilevich was tried for ‘participating in an unauthorised mass event’ and sentenced to 14 days in jail. On August 28, officers of the Financial Investigations Department arrested him and raided his apartment and companies’ offices.

On September 4, charges were brought against Alyaksandr Vasilevich, but no details have been reported yet, since his defence lawyer was compelled to sign a non-disclosure agreement. While Alyaksandr was in custody, his daughter Urshulya was born on December 2.

‘Unauthorised mass event’. Business owner gets two-week jail term after visiting KGB

