University teacher working at BSU journalism faculty sentenced to administrative arrest

Kseniya Martul, a lecturer at Journalism Department of the Belarusian State University, has been sentenced to 15 days in jail, Mediazona reports with reference to her husband.

Kseniya Martul was detained on December 14 at her workplace in the presence of students: the officers simply took her out of the lecture hall.

Over the past year, pro-Lukashenka police forces, including the notorious GUBOPiK/GUBAZiK, have developed a habit to make arrestees appear in videos, repent on camera, give the details of ‘violations’ they had allegedly made. On Tuesday evening, a video was published on GUBAZiK Telegram channel, in which Kseniya admits to taking part in the protests in August and September 2020. She also says that she had been subscribed to the so called extremist resources before they were declared ‘extremist’ and that she was detained for exchanging links to such Telegram-channels in private correspondence.

Three months in jail for ‘extremist’ news in private messages: Married couple listed as political prisoners

Kseniya Martul is known to have administered the Telegram channel Gender Gap that focused on covering social stereotypes. When the teacher was detained, security officers seized control of the channel, removed its publications and set the state emblem as its profile picture.

Earlier this year, numerous websites, e.g. those of Belsat,, Tribuna,, Deutsche Welle, Novy Chas, Current Time, Nasha Niva as well as hundreds of Telegram channels were recognised as ‘extremist’. It should be noted that the words ‘extremism’ and ‘destructive activity’ are now used by the Lukashenka regime to condemn any manifestation of dissent and protest moods.

Thus, anyone who shares news of the ‘extremist’ portals or even a photo with their logo in social networks or even private messages may be punished. Moreover, the Belarusian security officers interpret the law so that they also punish for posts and messages made before the recognition of materials as ‘extremist’. Under Article 19.11, a fine from 290 to 870 rubles may be imposed on the defendant, as well as administrative arrest and confiscation of equipment which is recognised as ‘means for committing a crime’.

Belarus authorities declare Belsat ‘extremist formation’
