15K residents of protest active residential area left without running water and heating

Novaya Baravaya 3 days without water. Photo: AD / Belsat

15,000 residents of Novaya Baravaya have been without tap water for three days. The water disappeared on Sunday and the problem is still unresolved. At the same time, there were reports that central heating had been turned off as well.

The A-100 Comfort, which services Novaya Baravaya, carried out the diagnostics and inspection with by its own staff. It turned out that the water disapperared after someone unscrewed the valve regulating the water flow. Minskvodakanal could not solve the problem promptly.

“There is still no water in Novaya Baravaya and the problem has not been found, but the riot police arrived there and no one is allowed to repair it. Now they have started turning off the heating,” Belsat’s readers report.

A-100 Comfort said that there had been an accident in the boiler house and the emergency team was already working on fixing the problem.

Новая Баравая 3-ія содні без вады.
Фота: АД / «Белсат»
Новая Баравая 3-ія содні без вады.
Фота: АД / «Белсат»
Новая Баравая 3-ія содні без вады.
Фота: АД / «Белсат»

Minskvodakanal said that “the water supply to consumers in the Novaya Baravaya residential area will be restored in full after positive results of the laboratory water quality test are received. The organization carried out maintenance work on the water supply networks.

As readers told Tut.by, there was no water yesterday at the school in Novaya Baravaya, where about 1,800 children study. Thus, the lessons were shortened and in the evening the class leaders told parents and pupils that due to lack of water, the lessons were cancelled for November 17.

In social networks, Minskers offer assistance to residents of Novaya Baravaya. A special chat room was created in Telegram for this purpose.

In the afternoon the company A-100 Comfort reported that the heating had been restored at the apartments in the area.

  • Novaya Baravaya is one of the most protest active neighborhoods in Minsk. Self-organization of local residents here began during this year’s election campaign.

