Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych files lawsuit to regain presidential status

Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia after the protests in 2014, has filed a lawsuit against the Verkhovna Rada in Kyiv’s district court, reports a representative of the Verkhovna Rada in the Constitutional Court, Olha Sovhirya.

Viktor Yanukovych demands recognition of the lack of authority of the Verkhovna Rada to deprive him of the title of president in any way other than impeachment.

Viktor Yanukovych. Photo:

Olha Sovhirya recently said that the court had already opened proceedings and scheduled a simplified hearing without summoning the parties and holding a trial. She also noted that “the court decision on this claim can be passed at almost any moment.”

The Verkhovna Rada stripped Viktor Yanukovych of the title of President of Ukraine by passing a law on February 4, 2015, after he fled the country to Russia after the protests.

The constitutionality of this law has already been appealed. Still, in December 2019, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine closed the case on this submission, noting that the dispute is not legal and is political in nature, and therefore not subject to the court.

There are several criminal cases against Yanukovych in Ukraine, including aiding a crime, high treason, waging aggressive war, and an attempt on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, which led to the death of people or other serious consequences.
