Lukashenka meets with Belarusian peacekeepers returning from Kazakhstan

On Saturday, January 15, at a military airfield in Machulishy, Alyaksandr Lukashenka met with peacekeepers returning from Kazakhstan, reports his press service.

Lukashenka addressed the Belarusian military, who’d returned from Kazakhstan, taking part in a peacekeeping operation with the CSTO troops. Photo:

Lukashenka told the military that the events in Kazakhstan were “another attempt of external interference in the internal affairs of independent states.” According to him, “the organizers of the uprising sought to blow up” the situation in Kazakhstan to “destabilize the situation along Russia’s perimeter to weaken Belarus’ main ally.”

Lukashenka called the CSTO operation very successful, claiming that they prepared it together with Vladimir Putin within an hour.

According to Lukashenka, the CSTO operation in Kazakhstan was the first time when CSTO peacekeeping forces were involved in mass protests.

“The success of our mission can be regarded as a manifestation of an effective mechanism to combat the so-called color revolutions,” said Lukashenka. “Of course, to fight against us is expensive, very costly, millions of people will die. But to turn it over from the inside and achieve the same goals — here they are, professionals. But their first failure was in Belarus. They modernized and refined the so-called color revolution, starting with the revolt, and decided to apply it in Kazakhstan. And it didn’t work there. It means that the antidote has been found.”

According to Lukashenka, “the foundation for the effective use of the CSTO peacekeeping forces was laid in advance” during the “Unbreakable Brotherhood” exercise.

Protests in Kazakhstan began on January 2 in the oil workers’ town of Zhanaozen after the authorities doubled the price of liquefied gas. Initially, the protesters demanded only to reduce the price, but then there were political demands, above all — to remove Nazarbayev from power.

On January 6, the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan began a pre-trial investigation into treason under Article 175, part 1 of the Kazakhstani Criminal Code. On the same day, the CSTO troops began entering the country.
