FM Makey: Russian military will completely leave Belarus after exercise

After the end of the exercise “Union REsolve 2022,” all Russian military units will leave Belarus, said Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Uladzimir Makey during a press conference at the National Press Center. The diplomat considers the exercises as a response to the actions of the West.

The “Union Resolve 2022” drill is a planned exercise, according to Makey. The activity of NATO conditions it on the western borders and in Ukraine, he said.

“Not a single soldier, not a single piece of military equipment will remain after these exercises. This is stated at the level of the Ministry of Defense, and President Lukashenka said so as well. The Belarusian side stated this during various events at the OSCE,” said Makey.

The head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry did not name the exact number of the military personnel taking part in the exercise. He only pointed out that it does not exceed the number allowed by the Vienna Document 2011.

“We have not violated and will not violate any provision of the Vienna Document,” said Makey.

The “Union Resolve 2022” began on February 10 and will last until February 20. The official goal of the exercise is to practice repelling external aggression and terrorist attacks.
