Man convicted for hitting police car and riot policemen

Ivan Tsaholka. Photo from social networks

Minsk judge Syarhei Shatsila has finished hearing the criminal case against Ivan Tsahalka and found him guilty of violence against the police and active participation in the violation of public order (Article 364 and Article 342 of the Criminal Code), reports HRC Vyasna.

According to assistant prosecutor Ramanenka, on September 13, during the “March of Heroes,” Ivan Tsaholka participated in an unsanctioned mass event, blocked the roads, obstructed the work of pharmacies, salons and businesses that were on the way, disrupting the peace of citizens. In the vicinity of Tsikhaya street, feeling angry with the police officers, he kicked the official car once and thus damaged the hood. Then he struck two riot policemen, Papou and Nazarau, which did not cause any damage to their health.

Ivan pleaded guilty to unintentionally hitting the car. He did not confess to the other crime episodes.

According to the man, a minibus with law enforcers drove up to the crowd of people where he and his friend were on Tsikhaya Street. Tsaholka heard shouts “Bandits!” from the crowd, and then he heard the noise of grenades and the rattle of gunshots. At that moment he was very frightened. While in the crowd, he lost his balance and unintentionally pushed the minibus with his foot to avoid falling. It was because of this that the bus was dented. The cost of the repair (over 400 rubles) was covered by Ivan before the trial.

Ivan denied that he struck the riot police and that he had any objects in his hands. He was detained in a matter of seconds: his hands were broken, he was put on the ground, taken into a bus, and then into a police truck. Ivan said that during the arrest he was beaten: his nose was damaged, he was punched in the head, and he was recorded on video, which was then shown on state TV.

Tsaholka said that during the recording of the video in the police department the police officers actually forced him to say what they wanted and threatened to beat him if he said something wrong. If he said something wrong, the video was rerecorded.

At the trial the representative of “Minsktrans” voiced the amount of damage in the amount of more than 30 thousand rubles.

On April 15, Judge Syarhei Shatsila found Ivan Tsaholka guilty and sentenced him to three years in jail to be served in a minimum security penal colony. He was also obliged to pay 1,000 rubles in compensation of moral damage to riot policemen Papou and Nazarau. The claim of Minsktrans will be considered separately as a civil case.
