Over 83K Belarusians urge Norwegian Yara to cancel contract with Belaruskali

People’s anti-crisis department has handed over a petition with the signatures of 83.5 thousand Belarusians to the leadership of Yara. All of them support the termination of the contract with Belaruskali, reports Telegram channel PAM.

Earlier this year, the Belarusian diaspora and the strike committee of Belaruskali announced the beginning of collecting signatures on a petition to Yara to break off cooperation with the Belarusian producer of potash fertilizers until the crackdown ended.

The document, posted on the Change.org portal, was signed by more than 83.5 thousand people. Now the petition has been handed over to the leadership of the Norwegian company.

The petition to the management of Yara on the Change.org portal. Screenshot: Change.org

In the cover letter attached to the petition, the authors note that they have repeatedly asked Yara to reconsider cooperation with Belaruskali. It says that further work with the Belarusian company could result in irreparable reputational losses for Yara, given the strike’s crackdown.

The letter also welcomed Yara’s negotiations with Belaruskali’s strike committee representatives, which had been held even before the visit of the Norwegian company’s management to Belarus, and expressed hope that they would continue in the previously defined format.

The other day, the German company Helm AG, a buyer of 10% of Hrodna Azot’s annual output, refused to cooperate with the enterprise. The company representatives indicated that further cooperation is possible, but only after the evaluation of compliance with health and safety conditions. The head of PAM, Pavel Latushka, urged Yara to follow their example.

