General Prosecutor’s Office to ignore appeals about Stakhouski’s suicide

Dzmitry Stakhouski. Photo: Dima Merkulov /

According to the prosecutor’s office, only the persons connected with the case have the right to write appeals about a specific criminal case. In addition, appeals in electronic form are not subject to review.

“Since the prosecutor’s office of Minsk has received numerous electronic appeals regarding the criminal case on the death of Dzmitry Stakhouski, please note that under Articles 138, 139 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Belarus, the right to appeal the actions and decisions of the body in charge of the criminal proceedings, are available to participants of criminal proceedings by filing a complaint orally or in writing, as well as to other individuals and legal entities, if the ongoing procedural actions and decisions affect their interests,” the agency writes.

The General Prosecutor’s Office emphasizes that the law of criminal procedure does not provide for filing complaints in electronic form, and appeals submitted by persons who do not have the right to do so will not be considered.
