Russia wants to involve 20-30K Belarusians in key facilities construction

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin recently said in an interview to channel “Russia 24” that Moscow is planning to actively involve Belarusian citizens and Russian prisoners in the construction work.

According to Deputy Prime Minister, “it would be nice” to involve 20-30 thousand Belarusian construction workers in work in Russia.

“We are satisfied with the Belarusian workers for the quality and cost of work. In addition, we have a very similar labor law, which was formed in the Soviet period. If we agree on the conditions, then, of course, we will invite our neighbors,” he said.

Marat Khusnullin stated that today Russia is experiencing labor shortages at the construction sites. Belarusian workers may be used to construct the cosmodrome “Vostochny,” Vostochny test site, and the cultural center in Kaliningrad.

In addition to Belarusians, the Russian government plans to use the work of prisoners actively. According to Khusnullin, there are almost 180 thousand prisoners in Russian prisons.

“That’s quite a lot. Even if we mobilize 20-30% of them, it’s not bad,” said Deputy Prime Minister.
