Arrested farmstead of activist transferred to local village council

The gate to the farmstead of Aleh Myatselitsa. Photo:

Senior investigator of Bialynichy district department of the Investigative Committee has handed over the seized property of social activist Aleh Myatselitsa to the representative of Halouchyn village council. Earlier, the “Starki” farmstead in the village of Yahodka was in the custody of Myatselitsa’s ex-wife, Natallia.

In July, it was reported that Aleh Myatselitsa was wanted on a criminal case of slander against the deputy head of Bialynichy District Executive Committee, Iryna Fursava. Allegedly, on August 18, 2020, he insulted the official on Savetskaya Street in Bialynichy. The activist has been living in Lithuania for the past few months, reports “Mahiliouski Region.”

Myatselitsa learned about the transfer of the arrested property on August 13. According to the order of investigator Yatskau of July 30, his ex-wife was in charge of the arrested property, including the farmstead. However, two weeks later, some necessity arose to hand over the agro-farm to the representative of the local village representative.

Aleh Myatselitsa says he does not know the reason for this necessity and why it was not there at the end of July. He believes that in this way, the law enforcers are trying to rob him as part of the policy of terror against dissenters.

belsat. eu
