IT businessman Alyaksandr Shatrou eager to avoid EU sanctions

The founder of the IT company “Synesis,” Alyaksandr Shatrou, who fell under the EU sanctions in June, left the company “Stigma Soft,” Euroradio reports.

The Shatrous brothers and their partner Mikalai Ptitsyn left the company “Stigma Soft” (formerly known as “Synesis Stigma”) on August 9. The company is now 100% owned by Belneftegaz, which is controlled by Alyaksei Aleksin. In June, Aleksin was included in the EU sanctions list, but Belneftegaz was not subject to restrictions at that time — he registered this asset on his sons (Vital and Dzmitry) back in winter. However, on August 9, Belneftegaz (and Aleksin personally) was included in the U.S. sanctions list.

“Stigma Soft” is a joint project of Synesis and Aleksin. The company is engaged in monitoring transit shipments through Belarus.

Alyaksandr Shatrou is the head of “Synesis,” an IT company that develops and distributes video surveillance and analytics systems. The platform for monitoring public security created by “Synesis” became an important tool for the special services to identify and prosecute protesters during 2020. Because of this, “Kipod” fell under European Union sanctions back in 2020. Shatrou disputed all of the accusations and even filed a lawsuit in an EU court to have the sanctions lifted.

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