Cancer-stricken pensioner convicted in Rechytsa

Lyudmila Khlusevich. Photo: Belsat

Lyudmila Khlusevich, 65, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months of freedom restriction at home for several offensive words in left under a post about a police officer from Vileyka.

The case was heard by judge Maryia Katsuba; the state prosecution was represented by prosecutor Yulia Horodnaya, who asked for Lyudmila 2 years of “home chemistry.” On 15 September, the judge pronounced the verdict: a year and a half of “home chemistry.”

The woman was punished for leaving a one-word comment under one of the posts in social networks about Mikhail Zharykau, a district police officer from Vileyka.

The policeman from Vileika Mikhail Zharykau didn’t appear in court.

During the last six months, the pensioner with cancer (she has leukemia) was searched, interrogated about 10 times, tested in one criminal case, and charged in the other one.

In a conversation with Belsat, Lyudmila Khlusevich said she asked the court to consider her age and illness, hoping that she would be pitied.

Lyudmila says that it would be difficult for her to check-in, and at the same time, stay at home all weekend — not going out to the store, pharmacy, talking to friends, which is important for the pensioner because she lives alone.

Liudmila said that she learned that they were going to charge her for moral damages during the trial. The amount has not yet been announced.

The woman has five days to file an appeal, but she is not sure she will do it because it costs money, and she doesn’t believe that the appeal will yield any results.

The criminal trial against Khlusevich started back on 25 June. But since Lyudmila Khlusievich wrote a suicide note in which she asked to blame the state for her untimely death, Judge Katsuba appointed a comprehensive psychiatric check.

At the penultimate hearing on 13 September, the judge announced the conclusion of experts who reported that at the time of writing the insulting comments, the defendant was not in a state of affect and understood her actions and possible consequences.
