Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk under pressure in women’s colony

The colony administration comes up with more and more new methods to pressure activist Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk, who does not recognize the authorities and considers herself a prisoner.

Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk (center) at a rally supporting presidential candidate Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaia in Byaroza. August 2, 2020. photo:

From the letter that Palina’s mother received, it emerged that the colony’s administration deprived her of food parcels for three months. Thus, Palina will not be able to get an authorized food parcel until almost the New Year.

It also emerged that the colony’s administration had restricted Palina’s purchases in the prison store three times: instead of the permitted 174 rubles, she could buy food and clothing only for 58 rubles. It is impossible to buy even the minimum of the necessary things for this amount. The head of the Homiel penal colony # 4 Dzyanis Talstyankou is responsible for all these actions,” said the woman’s husband, Andrei Sharenda, in a conversation with Belsat.

In her letter to the relatives, Palina wrote that she had lost weight but wouldn’t give up.

Palina has been behind bars for 315 days. On June 9, a Brest court sentenced Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk to two years in jail. She was found guilty under three articles of the Criminal Code at once: “Insulting the President” (Article 368), “Insulting a representative of the authorities” (Article 369), “Insulting a representative of the authorities” (Article 369). And “Violence or threat of violence against an officer of internal affairs bodies” (Article 364).
