Pavel Sevyarynets registered as extremist


Pavel Sevyarynets. Photo: Iryna Arakhouskaya /

The wife of political prisoner Pavel Sevyarynets recently wrote on Facebook about how the trial took place and the status of the extremist:

“As far as I understood from the descriptions of other relatives, this, in theory, entails a whole set of measures that are tailored to each individual. It’s only done to break a person in prison.”

In the end, we stopped receiving letters from Pasha, not a single one. They made such a racket in his cell that they kicked him out with a mattress. Not just him as an ‘extremist’ but all the other inmates were kicked out. Authorities hinted that it was done because of Pavel.

Volha Sevyarynets with her son Frantsishak. Minsk, Belarus. June 30, 2020. Photo: TK / Belsat

About the trial

“Pavel’s trial is ongoing. The hearings are held every day and are moving at a pretty fast pace, which means that we might find out the verdict in a couple of weeks.

At the trial, Pavel is silent. I’m sure he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t answer questions. He stressed this point several times in his letters. He says he has said everything he wants to say in his books. This is very important to him. So I ask the media and friends to pay attention to this.”

Pavel Sevyarynets was detained on June 7, 2020. First, he was punished with three administrative arrests. Then a criminal case was filed for organizing mass riots.
