Belarus officers took part in Tuesday’s migrant attack on border, Polish police claim

12 Polish officers were injured in the course of migrants’ attack that took place at the Bruzgi-Kuznica border crossing on November 16, Jarosław Szymczyk, head of Poland’s National Police Headquarters told TV station Polsatnews.

Earlier, it was reported about 7 injured persons. According to Szymczyk, 9 policemen (including one woman), 2 border guards and 1 serviceman were hurt.

Jarosław Szymczyk believes that yesterday’s attack involving migrants was a well-prepared and planned action. In his opinion, the people who tried to break through the border were trained in Belarus; among the most aggressive persons were Belarusian security officers, he said. The people who attacked the border crossing had flashbang grenades.

On Tuesday morning, a group of migrants who were seeking to illegally cross the Belarus-EU border, started to throw stones, logs, metal pieces at Polish border guards from the Belarusian side.

  • The video published by Poland’s Defence Ministry shows that Belarusian security officers who were behind the migrants did not allow them to leave the border area. Aaccording to the Polish Border Guard Service, the Belarusian side provided migrants with ‘special equipment’.
  • To stop the attackers, Polish officers resorted to using tear gas and water cannons.
  • In turn, the Belarusian Investigative Committee stated that 5 people were injured in the clashes. Belarus’ State Border Committee is set to probe into ‘the use of special means and ammo by Poland security forces against unarmed people on the Belarusian side,’ the committee’s representative Anton Bychkouski said on the back of the incident.

