Human rights activist Marfa Rabkova’s detention extended

Sample photo. Photo: Belsat

Human rights activists report that the volunteer service coordinator of the human rights center “Viasna” Marfa Rabkova has had her custody prolonged for another three months.

You can support Marfa with letters and postcards to the address: Pre-trial Detention Center-1, 220030, Minsk, Valadarski street, 2. To Maryia Rabkova.

The coordinator of the volunteer service “Viasna,” human rights activist Marfa Rabkova was detained on 17 September 2020. She was charged under Part 3 of Article 293 (“Training or otherwise preparing persons to participate in mass riots, or financing such activities”), Part 3 of Article 130 (“Inciting social hatred against the authorities by a group of unidentified persons”) and Part 2 of Article 285 (“Participation in a criminal organization”) of the Criminal Code. The human rights activist faces up to 12 years in jail. In prison, the political prisoner was placed on a preventive register as a person “prone to extremism and other destructive actions.”
