A1 office searched

Information about searches in the office of A1 company has come from several sources, Anton Matolka’s Telegram channel reports.

Details are not yet available.

Nasha Niva was told in the A1 contact center that they do not have any information about the searches, and “services are provided as usual.” But one Zerkalo.io source confirmed the information about the search.

According to Anton Matolka, the KGB could have searched. The task was to get access to the working devices of some A1 employees.

In December, deputy head of Lukashenka’s administration, Ihar Lutski, said he had been instructed to assess the actions of A1, “to sort out” what was happening in the company, and “take the most stringent measures.”

“The telecommunications and content provider A1, operating in Belarus, in a sense “leaked” the wrong content to the wrong place. This violates any moral, ethical, and legal norms and rules. In this regard, the president of the Republic of Belarus has instructed me to assess the actions of the campaign,” said Lutski.

Also, in December, the company’s leading customer service specialist Svyatlana Kalenchyts and A1’s press secretary Mikalai Bredzeleu were detained.

