Polish services rescue eight migrants who stuck in swamp

Special services helped eight migrants who were trapped in a swamp near the Suprasl River not far from the Belarusian border, according to Polish border guards.

Together with Poland’s emergency response workers and police, border guards rescued five men and three women who had fallen into a swamp in the spill of river when crossing the Belarusian-Polish border. The rescuees were enervated and exhausted, seven of them were hospitalised. One person remained under the care of border guards.

On Sunday, the Polish Border Guard Service reported about the bodies of three people found in the border area. At the moment, the Prosecutor’s Office is running a probe into the incident.

NATO and European ministers accuse Belarusian authorities of using migrants as weapons

On September 2, Polish President Andrzej Duda signed a decree introducing the state of emergency in Lublin and Podlaski voivodeships — a 3-kilometer strip along the border with Belarus. The Polish government argued that it is ‘a necessary step to avoid a serious migration crisis’. The state of emergency will be in effect for 30 days and may be extended.

Moreover, the EU officials announced introducing the fifth package of sanctions against the Belarusian regime amid the current migration crisis egged on by Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his cronies. The observed 50-fold increase of irregular crossings from Belarus into the EU is not a reflection of the inability of the Belarus administration to comply with their obligations in combatting illegal migration and human trafficking, and there are ‘no objective reasons for such a sharp increase in illegal crossings on the route in question’, the European External Action Service (EEAS) stressed.

Migrants on borders of EU: How Lukashenka taking revenge for Western sanctions

