The Supreme Court leaves Belsat TV journalist in jail. And changes the charge

As reported by Katsyaryna Andreyeva’s husband Ihar Ilyas, the Supreme Court has rejected the appeal against the verdict and changed the indictment.

The sentence of eight years and three months in prison remained in force, but as Ihar Ilyas emphasizes, the court corrected the prosecution’s formula.

– Instead of ‘disclosing state secrets to a foreign organization,’ he stresses that Katsya’s journalistic activities were considered espionage.

The article of the indictment remained the same.

– In fact, it does not change anything for us, he pointed out.

Belsat TV journalists Katsyaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova were detained on November 15, 2020, while reporting live on the violent pacification of peaceful memorial action in Minsk. On February 18, 2021, a Minsk court sentenced the journalists to two years in a penal colony for organizing a riot. In July, Katsyaryna Andreyeva received another sentence for high treason. Darya Chultsova got released in September.

Belsat journalist Darya Chultsova released after two years in penal colony
