Minsk: Police raid Novy Chas photographer’s place, seize equipment

On Tuesday evening, policemen made an unexpected visit to the flat of Novy Chas photojournalist Dzmitry Dzmitryeu.

Dzmitry Dzmitryeu. Photo: novychas.by

The officers searched his place; as a result, the photographer was not detained, but all equipment was confiscated. According to the media outlet, a criminal case initiated over the threats to the deputy head of Savetski District Department of Internal Affairs was the ground for the search. A year ago, Dzmitry was interrogated by the KGB as part of the case.

Dzmitry Dzmitryeu used to work at the police, but in 2012 he quit that job and began contributing to media outlets as a photographer. During post-election protests in Minsk in 2020, he was repeatedly detained while performing his professional duties.

In November 2020, Dzmitryeu was grabbed by riot policemen when taking photos during a protest rally and sentenced to 10 days of administrative arrest. In August 2021, officers came to ‘inspect’ his place; and take him to the Investigative Committee for questioning. Then Dzmitryeu got 15 days in jail on a preposterous charge (‘resisting police officers’).

Director of non-state news agency BelaPAN to remain behind bars for another two months

