Belarusian Supreme Court liquidates movement ‘For Freedom’

On November 19, the Supreme Court ruled to liquidate the For Freedom Movement (Za Svabodu). The proposal to liquidate the movement came from the Ministry of Justice.

Photo: “For Freedom” movement / Facebook

Chairman of the organization Yury Hubarevich recently wrote on Facebook that the campaign of pressure on the movement in 2021 lasted for over six months. During this period, there was a comprehensive inspection of the organization, two warnings from the Ministry of Justice, six trials in the Supreme Court, searches with confiscation of equipment and information materials in the central office, and the place of residence of the organization’s leadership.

The formal reason for liquidation of the movement’s legal status was a consistent refusal of the Justice Ministry to amend the statute about the location of the legal address.

The movement had existed for 15 years and had its own political goals from the moment of its creation.

“We are responsible for the fate of the country, and we understand the fact that without radical changes in Belarus, it is impossible to restore legal activities. In the new Belarus, the movement “For Freedom” will receive a legal status of a political party that will represent the interests of a pro-European-oriented part of society at all levels of the elected authorities. We will continue to do our utmost for this time to come as soon as possible,” wrote Yury Hubarevich.

Photo: “For Freedom” Movement / Facebook

In mid-July, the Ministry of Justice demanded that the movement’s activities “For Freedom” be stopped.

Then searches were conducted in the movement’s office, and its deputy chairman Viktar Yanchurevich, human rights activists, and members of the organization were detained in the regions. A few days later, law enforcers also checked the chairman of the movement “For Freedom,” Yury Hubarevich. At the end of July, the authorities blocked the accounts of the movement.
