House arrest of Maryia Kalesnikava’s lawyer extended for third time

According to the telegram channel of Viktar Babaryka’ headquarters, the house arrest term of their lawyer Illya Saley has been extended until April 16.

The report said that on February 16, Illya’s term of restraint expired. However, the term of house arrest was again extended for two more months – until April 16.

During his house arrest Illya Saley contracted coronavirus. This is how he spends his time:

“Walking on the balcony, breathing fresh air, reading a lot, saying hello to everyone,” the report said.

Illya Saley was detained on 9 September in the “case of the Coordinating Council” along with the second lawyer – Maksim Znak. After Alyaksandr Lukashenka met with political prisoners in the KGB detention center, the measure of detention was changed: on 17 October it was reported that he was placed under house arrest.
