Police censor Ihar Losik’s correspondence from jail

Ihar Losik is still reading his case file, his wife Darya Losik has told Belsat. He’s been behind bars for 300 days already.

The date of trial in Ihar Losik‘s case is still unknown; he is studying the materials of his criminal case.

“He could have just been sitting in jail for several months, he had his custody extended, but there were actually no investigative actions,” says Darya Losik.

Darya and Paulina Losik. January 2021. Photo: TK / Belsat

On April 20, the telegram channel “Belarus of the Brain,” created by Ihar Losik, was declared extremist. But the relatives have no information whether it had any effect on Ihar’s case. Moreover, the censors deleted all the information from Ihar’s last letter to his relatives.

“I received letters from him, but the censor left only a blank card and a drawing from Ihar, so I can’t tell what Ihar wrote to me,” says Darya Losik.

Ihar Losik has been behind bars for 300 days.

Ihar Losik is 28 years old. He was born and grew up in Baranavichy. He graduated from the Baranavichy State University as a teacher of foreign languages. He was the administrator of the telegram channel “Belarus of the Brain.”

Ihar was detained on June 25 in his own house after a search. Police opened a criminal case under article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus for “Participation in actions that grossly violate public order.” The young man was kept in custody in pre-trial center # 1 in Minsk, and on August 18, was transferred to the investigative prison in Zhodzina.

On December 15th, Losik was charged under part 2 of article 293 of the Criminal Code: “Preparation to participation in mass rioting.” On 11 March, a new charge emerged, the details of which have not yet been made public.

Belarusian human rights activists have long recognized Ihar as a political prisoner.

You can send a letter to him at:

Prison #8, 22A Savetskaya St., Zhodzina 222163, Losik Ihar Alyaksandravich


