Authorities threaten employees of job placement agencies

Sample photo. Belarusian metallurgical plant. Photo: BelSteelWorks / Facebook

Belsat has learned of an unusual case. One of the workers of Polish employment agencies, who actively helped Belarusians to leave Lukashenka’s regime, received a call from the Belarusian police and was forbidden to help his countrymen to look for work abroad.

“This is Belarus, baby”

An employee of a Polish agency, looking for workers for large companies, was actively recruiting Belarusians. The reasons were simple: he himself was from Belarus, so it was easier to look for compatriots to work in Polish factories and warehouses. But it was not that easy.

After the agency worker left an ad to find employees in one of the diaspora chat rooms, he received a call from the authorities via Viber. They said they knew everything, and warned that they could charge him with “sabotage of the workforce to go abroad.”

“My Viber phone number is tied to my Belarusian passport. That’s probably how they figured it out,” says the man, who agreed to speak to Belsat on condition of anonymity. “This is Belarus, baby”.

There is no article in the labor and criminal codes of Belarus about sabotaging labor to go abroad. Nor does the law provide any liability for working outside of Belarus.

According to the Office for Foreigners, as of April 2021, there were about 30 thousand Belarusians living in Poland.
