Married couple punished with jail term for sharing news

Anastasiya Krupenich-Kandratsieva and Syarhei Krupenich. Photo:

Political prisoners and spouses Syarhei Krupenich and Anastasiya Krupenich-Kandratsyeva have been punished with administrative arrest for the eighth time in a row, the HRC Viasna reports.

Anastasiya and Syarhei were to be released on October 22 and 23 after spending almost 100 days in jail. But they were put on trial again under Article 19.11 of the Administrative Code (“Dissemination of information products containing calls to extremist activity or promoting such activity”). Police have once again filed protocols on the spouses for forwarding news from telegram channels to each other. The authorities consider the channels as “extremist”.

On 21 October, judge Tatsyana Shotsik heard the cases of Syarhei and Anastasiya. Disregarding all the mistakes in the case materials, the judge again arrested Syarhei and Anastasiya for 13 days each. They will spend a total of 112 and 111 days in the Akrestsina jail, respectively.

In addition to spending almost four months behind bars in inhumane conditions, they will have to pay a huge amount of money for food at the detention center. Since a day spent in Akrestsina jail costs 14 rubles and 50 kopecks, they must each pay more than 1,600 rubles, the human rights defenders say.

Young couple serving three months in jail for private correspondence. Or… for trip to Poland?
