Russian Defense Ministry: Su-35S fighters fly to Belarus

Crews of Su-35S multi-role fighters of the Eastern Military District, involved in the inspection of the Union State response forces, have started flying to the Republic of Belarus’s territory, the Russian Defense Ministry reports website.

The Su-35 fighter jet. Sample photo. Source: Wikimedia Commons

According to the ministry, the Russian Su-35S fighters are to practice maximum distance flights, the landing on Belarusian airfields, and prepare for repeated sorties with Belarusian specialists.

It is noted that the testing of the Union State response forces will be held in two stages.

The first stage will last until February 9. It should result in the creation of a grouping of troops in Belarus.

It is also planned to “organize the protection of critical state and military facilities, protection of state borders in the airspace, checking the readiness and the ability of the duty air defense forces to cover essential facilities in the territory of Belarus.

The second stage is scheduled for February 10-20. “There will be a joint exercise, “Union Resolve 2022,” which will work to suppress and repel external aggression and counter-terrorism and protect the interests of the Union State,” specified the Russian Defense Ministry source.
