99.7% of verdicts handed down by Belarusian courts in 2020 were ‘guilty’

The Supreme Court of Belarus has published the statistical data on delivering judgements in criminal cases in the year of 2020.

Last year, Belarusian courts heard 32,010 criminal cases, as part of which 34,572 people were convicted. Only 93 acquittals were handed down, which is less than 0.3% of the total.

7,750 of 34,572 convicts were sentenced to imprisonment, three – to death, another three got life terms. 291 persons were convicted for murder. 631 sentences were given on the back of crimes related to professional/business activity (56 people were punished for abuse of power, 233 – for passive bribery, 152 – active bribery).

Over the past five years, the annual number of convicts in Belarus has decreased by more than 10,000, TUT.BY reports. Thus, in 2016, 44,770 people were convicted, in 2017 – 43,135, in 2018 – 40,612, in 2019 – 38,726, in 2020 – 34,572. At the same time, the share of acquittals is within 0.2-0.3%.

Lukashenka regime sentenced Belarusians to 227 years in prison

