Fake letter from Belarusian human rights defenders sent to EU officials

On Friday, February 19, a letter on behalf of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” was sent to 85 email addresses of European parliamentarians and ambassadors, the organization’s website writes.

The letter was written in English. It said that “Viasna” was seriously concerned about increasing violations of citizens’ rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in a number of European countries and called for investigations into such cases. Added to the text were 28 photos, probably downloaded from public sources on the Internet.

The letter came from an email account at viasna.spring97@gmail.com, which never belonged to or was affiliated with the Human Rights Center “Viasna”.

“We officially declare that we did not send any letters from this e-mail box and we have not disseminated any appeals to European countries. We consider such a letter written on behalf of “Viasna” a dirty provocation by the Belarusian special services,” the head of the organization Ales Byaliatski wrote.


