Pavel Sevyarynets to face trial in a week

Volha, the wife of political prisoner Pavel Sevyarynets, recently wrote on Facebook that in a week the politician’s case would be sent to the prosecutor’s office for trial. The wife of the prisoner believes that the trial will not take place until May.

Pavel Sevyarynets has been behind bars since June last year. The investigation into the case against the political prisoner ended only in February. The politician faces from 3 to 8 years of imprisonment. Volha is raising a son who is about to turn 3.

“I have collected good opinions of Pasha, we’ll attach them to the case file. I read it and thought – what a good husband I have chosen. In a week Pasha’s case will be handed over to the prosecutor’s office. We think, that it will not come to court till May. These thoughts of trial make me feel both better and worse. On the one hand, I thought we would see each other, and it was like a miracle, but on the other, what would those days bring?

Pavel has finished writing a fairy tale for Frantsysk. Our boy is three years old tomorrow. He received a drawing of a car, a portrait, a letter and a lullaby from his daddy as gifts. Pavel sends his greetings to everyone and is very, very grateful to everyone who writes to him and helps us. And big thank you from me as well,” Volha wrote on Facebook.

Volha Sevyarynets with her son Frantsysk. Photo: Tania Kapitonava /

Pavel Sevyarynets was detained even before the elections – on June 7, when he was returning from a picket to collect signatures. He was charged under part 1 of article 293 of the Criminal Code (“Organization of Mass Riot”).

You can write to the political prisoner at the following address: Pre-detention center 1, Valadarski 2, 220030 Minsk.

