Ministry of Energy: Belarus will need storage facility for radioactive waste already in 2030

According to the official Telegram channel of the Energy Ministry, the repository will be used to store waste from BelNPP and other producers.

After the recent meeting with Alyaksandr Lukashenka, Minister of Energy Viktar Karankevich told journalists about the need for the radioactive waste repository in Belarus.

“Technologies from all over the world will be studied; the best of them will be used during the construction of the facilities,” said the minister.

A complex work will be carried out to determine the place for the storage facility construction, including a new department to be created in the Ministry of Energy, with scientists of the National Academy of Sciences, said Viktar Karankevich.

On July 22, at the meeting of Alyaksandr Lukashenka and the Council of Ministers, it was announced that the second nuclear power plant unit would soon be commissioned in Belarus.
