Lawyer Harry Pahanyaila complains to Supreme Court about referendum

Lukashenka signed the decree as the incumbent president. Pahanyaila notes that the election procedure was not completed because the Supreme Court did not consider the candidates’ complaints about the election results.

Harry Pahanyaila. Photo: Radio Svaboda

Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Harry Pahanyaila has sent a complaint to the Supreme Court of Belarus asking the Constitutional Court to recognize unconstitutional the decree of Alyaksandr Lukashenka to hold a referendum on February 27, 2022, reports the center “Our House.”

According to Pahanyaila, the decree was signed by a person not authorized to do so: Lukashenka signed the ordinance as acting president. At the same time, the procedure for the 2020 elections was not finished as the Supreme Court refused (allegedly because of “non-competence”) to consider the complaints of candidates Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Andrei Dzmitryieu, and Hanna Kanapatskaya, which the Central Election Commission had earlier called unfounded.

Pahanyaila points out that the chairman of the Constitutional Court said after the election, referring to the electoral legislation, that it is the CEC and the Supreme Court responsible for election invalidation.

“The issuance of this act by an unlawful person directly affects my civil rights and legitimate interests and is subject to recognition by the court as unlawful and the action as illegal, infringing upon my electoral rights,” Pahanyaila writes to the Supreme Court about the referendum decree.

“Our House” urged everyone to write the same complaint, the template of which was published on its website.
