Lukashenka can be both President and National Assembly chair, official says

According to Deputy Head of Lukashenka’s Administration, only Alyaksandr Lukashenka will be able to hold the position of President and Chairman of the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly. The statement was made on the TV channel Belarus 1.

Volha Chuprys. Screenshot of “Belarus 1” video

Volha Chuprys, deputy head of Lukashenka’s administration, has commented on some draft amendments to the Constitution. The official touched on the possibility of combining the position of President and head of the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly.

“After all, [Alyaksandr Lukashenka] has said unequivocally that there should be no overlapping of powers. At the meeting, by the way, he said that we need to move decisively towards the separation of functions. But after we discussed this question additionally and heard, among other things, his opinion, we came to the following conclusion: it is necessary to enable the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly to apply to the President with a proposal to assume the chairmanship of the APA. And if, in turn, the President considers it possible to hold this position simultaneously as the position of the President, then such a combination of both positions is possible,” said Volha Chuprys.

The referendum on adopting amendments to the Constitution of Belarus is scheduled for February 27. The democratic forces stated that Lukashenka had no right to announce a referendum because he was illegitimate.
