US envoy: There would hardly be reduction in pressure on Lukashenka regime short of releasing all political prisoners

It is highly unlikely that the United States will ease pressure on the Belarusian authorities even if they release all political prisoners, US Ambassador to Belarus Julie Fisher said in a recent interview with Belsat TV.

When asked about a would-be reaction of Washington to the possible release of Belarusian political prisoners, the top diplomat answered:

“For our part in the United States, we have been very clear about our expectations of the regime. We expect the release of all political prisoners and that is a number that unfortunately and tragically continues to go up every single day. We continue to see the regime moving in the wrong direction when it comes to political prisoners. We have called very clearly on the regime to engage in a genuine inclusive national dialogue that leads to a new election that can be conducted under international auspices. Those are the steps that are required and we have been very clear about our expectations.”

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Julie Fisher stressed the need of the release of ‘each and every’ Belarusian political prisoner.

“I do not anticipate there would be any reduction in pressure or certainly I cannot anticipate there would be any such action short of the release of all political prisoners, the engagement in a genuinely inclusive dialogue and a move towards new elections,” she added.

The full interview translated into the Belarusian is to be part of Belsat TV news show Week on Sunday, June 27. Host Ihar Kuley and the US envoy will discuss raising the Belarusian issue at the meeting of Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin; providing financial assistance to Belarusian civil society, and a number of other key topics.

A text version in English will be available on on June, 28.

US envoy Julie Fisher about Lukashenka: ‘We would speak with him as person exercising power in Minsk’ (interview)
