More strike participants detained at state enterprises

Police have been detaining strike participants for several days in a row. The law enforcers arrested the workers of Hrodna Azot, BMZ, MTZ, and Belarusian Railways. Some of them were taken to the KGB pre-trial detention center, but it is unknown what the charges against the detainees are.

Workers of Hrodna Azot. Hrodna, Belarus. August 19, 2020. Photo: VM / Belsat.

Human rights activists of the HRC “Viasna” report about 16 detained factory workers from Minsk, Hrodna, and Zhlobin. Some factory workers were soon released, while others were placed in pre-trial detention.

At the moment, human rights activists have information about the following names of the people who were contacted by the security forces:

  1. Syarhei Shelest, Hrodna Azot, placed in the KGB detention center
  2. Andrei Paherila, Hrodna Azot, put in the KGB jail
  3. Uladzimir Zhurauka, Hrodna Azot
  4. Valyantsin Tseranevich, Hrodna Azot
  5. Ryhor Ruban, Hrodna Azot (released)
  6. Vadzim Yafimenka, Hrodna Azot
  7. Dzmitry Ilyushchanka, Hrodna Azot (released)
  8. Alyaksandr Hashnikau, BMZ, placed in the KGB detention center
  9. Hanna Ablab, Belarusian Railways, placed in the KGB detention center
  10. Syarhei Dzyuba, Belarusian Railways, placed in the KGB pre-trial detention center
  11. Artsiom Ruban, Hrodna Azot (released)
  12. Alyaksei Sidar, Hrodna Azot (released)
  13. Svyatlana Zyl, Hrodna Azot (released) Former worker of Belarusian Machine-Building Plant
  14. Andrei Bashan, Hrodna Azot (detained on the morning of September 23)
  15. Dzmitry Yeliseyeu, BMZ, placed in the Homel pre-trial detention center
  16. Dzmitry Zhylitski, BMZ

    One more factory worker from Belarusian Steel Works has been detained. He went to work but did not show up there. The name of the detainee is still to be confirmed.
