Convicted student Artsyom Bayarski’s health worsens behind bars. Prison doctor turns blind eye

Political prisoner Artsyom Bayarski’s health has deteriorated: he has a persistent bad cough, and a skin rash occurred.

Аrtsyom Bayarski.

A prison doctor examined Artsyom, but he failed to prescribe any treatment. The only thing he said that the patient got an allergy attack which ‘would pass’. Artsyom’s parents are set to try and pass necessary medicines to their son.

There are 15 persons in the cell of the pre-trial detention centre where Artsyom was placed. It is very cold there: the young man has to sleep wearing a shirt, two sweaters, and a jacket at night. Despite the deteriorating health, Artsyom is reportedly sticking to guns and not going to give up.

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On December 9, Minsk City Court completed hearing the case of the 20-year-old political prisoner. The trial was held behind closed doors. Artsyom was charged under Article 342 (‘organisation and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order or active participation in them’) and Article 361-1 (‘establishment of an extremist formation’) of the Criminal Code of Belarus.

Judge Alena Shylko found the young man guilty of setting up an ‘extremist group’ (according to the prosecution, he administered My Country Belarus Telegram channel and chat) and sentenced him to 5 years in a medium security penal colony. Volha Dyndzilevich acted as a public prosecutor during the trial.

Artsyom Bayarski was detained by the Minsk police on April 18 after serving 25 days of arrest for participating in a peaceful assembly. He was charged under Art. 361-1 of the Criminal Code (creation of an extremist formation). Bayarski was taken into custody in pre-trial prison Nr 1 in Minsk. As reported earlier, infamous Belarusian propagandist Ryhor Azaronak posted a video that showed Artsyom’s confessing to administering a public group on social media. On April 19, the arrestee told his lawyer that the police officers repeatedly hit him on the back and buttocks with truncheons during the detention in late March in order to make him appear in the video.

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Prior to the arrest, Artsyom was a student of Chemistry Department of the Belarusian State University (BSU). He became a fellow of the President’s Special Fund to Support Talented Youth four times, but in August 2020 he withdrew from obtaining a presidential scholarship in protest. As a schooler, he repeatedly took winning places in National Chemistry Olympiads.

In November 2021, Russian scientists signed an open letter to the Prosecutor General of Belarus Andrey Shved and head of Minsk City Court Tatsyana Tupik. In the appeal, 47 representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences urged them to release Artsyom Bayarski from custody. Moreover, the young man was admitted to Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania’s Kaunas (BA in Biotechnology). As soon as the 20-year-old political prisoner is released, he could move to the neighbouring country and extend his knowledge.

The Belarusian human rights community declared Artsyom Bayarski a prisoner of conscience.

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