Criminal case launched against Radio Liberty journalist Andrey Kuznechyk

A criminal case has been brought against Radio Liberty journalist Andrey Kuznechyk, who was recently detained on administrative charges.

Andrei’s relatives have learned this from the police, reports the Belarusian Association of Journalists. However, it’s not known under what article of the Penal Code Andrey Kuznechyk would be charged.

Andrey Kuznechyk, the detained journalist of Radio Liberty. Photo:

His relatives were also told that he would soon be transferred to the Minsk detention center in Valadarski street.

Andrey Kuznechyk was detained on November 25. His house was searched. He was sentenced to 10 days in jail for disorderly conduct the next day. After his term in jail expired, he was rearrested and sentenced to another ten days under the same article. After the second term, the journalist was not released from jail.

He was not allowed to receive parcels during his detention.
