Political prisoners Maksim Znak, Maryia Kalesnikava deny all charges in court

Маryia Kalesnikava and Maksim Znak. Photo: Deutsche Welle/Telegram

On August 25, Maryia Kalesnikava testified in court proceedingd, Naviny.by reports.

“Like Maksim Znak, Maryia has also consistently repelled the accusations; she continues to insist on it [her being innocent],” defence lawyer Uladzimir Pylchanka said.

According to him, Maryia feels well, she is in good spirits.

The day before, Maksim Znak ‘gave detailed testimony which challenge all the charges incriminated against him’ and commented on the investigative materials of the case, ‘in which, as the defence showed earlier, there is no evidence of his guilt,’ the lawyer said.

Kalesnikava and Znak, the members of the board of the opposition Coordination Council, are tried for ‘calling for actions aimed at harming the national security’ (Art. 361-3 of the Criminal Code); ‘conspiracy to seize state power in an unconstitutional way’ (Article 357-1); ‘establishing and ruling an extremist group’ (Article 361-1). They may face up to 12 years in jail. The trial which kicked off on August 4 is being held behind the closed doors.

Maksim Znak testifies in court

On September 7, Maryia Kalesnikava, an opposition activist and member of the might-have-been presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka’s team was kidnapped near the National Art Museum in Minsk. Unidentified people drove her away in an unknown direction. As it turned out later, the activist spent half a day in the Main Directorate for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption; then she was taken to the State Security Committee (KGB), where the chekists demanded she voluntarily depart from Belarus. According to her, several KGB officers voiced threats to take her life. A day later, Coordination Council spokesman Anton Radnyankou and secretary Ivan Krautsou who were forced out of Belarus gave a press conference in Kyiv. They told how the KGB failed to push Kalesnikava out the country. In the neutral zone, she destroyed her passport, jumped out of the car and returned to the Belarusian border.

Maksim Znak, a lawyer at Viktar Babaryka’s campaign office, a legal counsellor of Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya and Maryia Kalesnikava, was arrested on September, 9. In the wake of the 2020 presidential election and the brutal crackdown on protesters, he filed a complaint with the Supreme Court against the official election results and became a member of the board of the opposition Coordination Council set up by Tsikhanouskaya and her associates. Belarus’ Prosecutor General initiated criminal proceedings over establishing the Council, naming it a ‘threat to national security’. The authorities believe the body aims at seizing power in Belarus.

In December, the Prosecutor General’s Office launched criminal proceedings over establishing ‘an extremist group’, being in control of it, financing its activities as well as conspiring against members of the Coordination Council, including Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Pavel Latushka, Volha Kavalkova, Syarhei Dyleuski, and other Belarusian activists.

Belarusian human rights watchdogs recognised Maksim Znak and Maryia Kalesnikava as political prisoners.

Lawyer from Viktar Babaryka’s headquarters leaves Belarus

