Relatives of political prisoners ask Pope to facilitate their release

Relatives of the Belarusian political prisoners have united in the initiative “Liberation 2020” and wrote a letter to Pope Francis, reports Radio Liberty.

The letter authors mention “horrible violence and injustice, committed against the citizens of our country, against our loved ones.”

“Thousands of Belarusian citizens have been jailed only because they stood up for their right to live in a democratic free country and opposed the violence and crimes of the regime. There were minors, mothers with many children, seriously ill people in prison,” relatives of political prisoners told Pope Francis.

Members of the “Liberation 2020” initiatives stress that people behind bars in Belarus are tortured, deprived of the most basic necessities, held in inhumane conditions, and deprived of their letters.

The signatories also list people with serious illnesses whose lives are in danger. Among them:

  • Ksenia Lutskina,
  • Alyaksei Ramanau,
  • Mikita Zalatarou,
  • Dzmitry Hopta,
  • Alyaksei Hubich,
  • Uladzimir Hundar,
  • Andrei Skurko

and at least ten other people.

“We ask you to help these people. Your authority, the authority of the Catholic Church, can help to free them and save their lives,” the authors of the letter appeal. “We, relatives of Belarusian political prisoners, ask you to pray for them and raise your voice against the lawlessness that is happening in Belarus. Help to save our loved ones! Please, pray for Belarus!”
