Zlata Yanukovich sentenced to three years of freedom restriction

On 24 December, a Minsk court sentenced Zlata Yanukovich, a third-year student of the chemistry department of Belarusian State University. She was charged under Part 1 of Article 342 of the Criminal Code for organizing and preparing actions, grossly violating public order, or active participation in them, reports the HRC “Viasna”.

Zlata Yanukovich became famous after the publication of a photo taken on August 10, 2020, in Minsk. She became one of the symbols of the women’s protest. She was detained on October 13. Before the trial she was held in Minsk detention center No. 1.

Zlata was accused of “obstructing the movement of public transport, acting jointly and by prior conspiracy with a group of unidentified persons, moving along the roadway in a hitch with people”.

At the trial, a representative of Minsktrans presented Zlata with a financial claim for all the cases when the traffic was blocked that day in Minsk – about 22 thousand Belarusian rubles.

During the debate, the lawyer found a lot of inconsistencies in the case and asked to acquit Zlata.

But Judge Maryna Klimchuk punished Zlata Yanukovich with three years of freedom restriction in an open-type correctional facility, just as the prosecutor had suggested. She will also have to pay to Minsktrans.

Zlata was released for 10 days on her own recognizance not to leave.

