Minsker sentenced to two years of restriction of liberty for one-minute ‘blocking road’

Trial of Yuliya Yakubovich. Minsk, 26 April 2021. Photo: AK / Belsat

On April 26, Tsentralny district court of Minsk completed considering the criminal case of 33-year-old Yuliya Yakubovich. The Minsker was convicted over her participating in a rally in support of political prisoners, human rights centre Viasna reports.

According to the prosecution’s version, the defendant was involved in blocking the road on Ramanauskaya Slabada Street on December 20 and January 3; on those days, she was reportedly standing together with other protesters at a pedestrian crossing for about a minute (!) and waving white-red-white flags. Notably, Minsktrans, the state-run public transport agency, has never assessed the alleged losses or asked for paying back.

Trial of Yuliya Yakubovich. Minsk, 26 April 2021. Photo: AK / Belsat
Trial of Yuliya Yakubovich. Minsk, 26 April 2021. Photo: AK / Belsat
Trial of Yuliya Yakubovich. Minsk, 26 April 2021. Photo: AK / Belsat

In late January Yuliya was arrested and then interrogated within several days. In the course of investigation actions conducted on February 2, the woman lost consciousness due to exhaustion and dehydration; on the back of the incident, she was hospitalised and put on a drip. Later, the young mother was placed under house arrest for two months.

Charged with ‘organisation and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order’ (Part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code), Yuliya Yakubovich pleaded not guilty in court.

On Monday, judge Viktoryia Shabunya has taken heed of public prosecutor Tsimafei Nichyparuk’s demand and sentenced her to two years of restriction of liberty without being sent to a correction facility; the obligation to be under house arrest has been replaced by Yuliya’s signing acknowledgement of travel restrictions.

Minsker gets 3 years of liberty restriction for ‘mounting barricades’. He says he just took pic of protests

