Hrodna: Web design studio Iquadart raided, director detained

According to our own information, camouflaged officers was raiding the Iquadart studio on Budzyonny Street for several hours on Wednesday.

Presumably, the door to the studio was broken down. It is not yet known which police department conducted the search.

Iquadart head Hleb Koypish managed to write on his Facebook: “They have come”.

The security officers seized computer equipment and documents and took away handcuffed Hleb Koypish. Friends and acquaintances of the detainee put down yesterday’s events with a new wave of political repressions in Belarus.

Hleb Koypish is 35 years old; his family raises two children. The man is Belarusian-speaking and civic-minded. His studio Iquadart has been working since 2004; it has contributed to numerous charity projects. In particular, the studio helped create the website of the Pavel Sheremet Foundation.

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