Belarusian MIA reports detention of ‘terrorists’ in Mahiliou region

Three residents of Babruisk of 27, 30, and 45 years old have been detained by the Mahiliou region police and GUBOPIK. They are being accused of “acts of terrorist nature.”

According to the press service of the MIA, there were “actions of a terrorist nature,” and photo and video reports of these actions were spread in the network, including in the group “Busli Latsats” in August and September, near Babruisk and in the town itself.

The Interior Ministry reports that on August 11, an “object similar to an explosive device” was found near the train station Miradzina. The train traffic was stopped for an hour and a half due to the incident. Similar items were found by railroad workers on August 24 and 31 between the rails near the railway stations of Tsitouka and Babina, as well as on September 16 by a “Tabakerka” salesman near the kiosk in Babruisk.

The press release of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not say that “explosive devices” were really found there. Only objects that look like them were mentioned. However, in the video of the Interior Ministry, one of the detainees openly said that they had laid training mines. That is, no explosions could even theoretically have taken place.

“Another terrorist act was committed on September 24th at the shooting range in “Kisyalevichy”: the perpetrators burnt down the shooting range belonging to military unit 5527,” reads the press release of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The police report does not specify on what grounds the shooting range arson is considered as an act of terrorism.

One of the detained residents of Babruisk. Screenshot from video pressmvd / Telegram

Three residents of Babruisk, aged 27, 30 and 45, were detained on suspicion of committing these acts. Criminal cases were opened for “threatening to commit an act of terrorism” and “act of terrorism.”

“Currently, the suspects are being checked for involvement in similar crimes, including those committed in Minsk. Also, other persons who may be involved in an act of terrorism in the capital are being identified,” said in a press release of the Interior Ministry. However, it is not specified which “act of terrorism in the capital” is meant.

The other day, the group “Busli Latsyats” published information that the so-called partisan detachment “Chorny Busel” had allegedly attacked the base of Minsk riot police with a drone. According to the group, at night the group “Chorny Busel” used a drone to drop two 5-liter containers with incendiary mixture from a high altitude on the base of Minsk riot police in Uruchcha. The community claims that loud bangs were heard and flashes were seen, waking up people in nearby houses. However, it is not specified what was the result of this attack and whether there were any casualties. The statement notes that “all departmental facilities of the Interior Ministry, real estate and cars of the punishers are potential targets of subsequent actions.” A video from a drone filmed allegedly at the time of the attack on the base was also published.

There is no confirmation of the attack on the riot police base from other sources. The press service of the Interior Ministry has published nothing about the incident.

The “Busli Lyatsats” community (where information about the attack on the riot police base was published and to which the police referred in its report about the “Babruisk terrorists”) together with the hacker group “Cyberguerrillas” and the community “Druzhiny Narodnogo Samooborony” are part of the “Resistance” association. The manifesto of the movement states that its goal is to overthrow Lukashenka’s regime, to preserve the independence and territorial integrity of Belarus, as well as to return to democratic principles of governance and the rule of law. “Resistance” insists that the Belarusians have the right to rebel against tyranny.
